can't sleep.
you're on my mind.
still thinking of you.
feel my hand.
pressed in yours.
one more time.
if I ever cross your mind.
your pride.
I feel it, I knew it.
but I'm vulnerable.
I can’t tell you.
that I'm missing you.
I've been this way.
for so long.
Tonight,missing you comes in waves.
and I think, I might drown tonight...
Love always♥mhargie♥
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.." Psalm 139:14
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Friday, January 29, 2016
I'm trusting my Father...
I have a BIG GOD. I will not be shaken. He can make all things possible. I'm trusting my GOD, my Father with all my heart ♥ He will make all things fall into its proper places.
Jeremiah 17:7
But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him.
Proverbs 3:5
Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not to your own understanding.
John 14:1
Let not your heart be troubled: you believe in God, believe also in me.
Love always♥mhargie♥
Jeremiah 17:7
But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him.
Proverbs 3:5
Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not to your own understanding.
John 14:1
Let not your heart be troubled: you believe in God, believe also in me.
Love always♥mhargie♥
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Being Single...
Being SINGLE is my choice, my decision that I've been sticking and fighting with for a years already. I believe that there are worse things than being alone or single. Being single while trusting God is actually God's will that I've been obeying. It's really hard because temptation is always there but I have to trust God, His beautiful love story for me. I'm patiently waiting because someday I will look back to this day where I would be proudly say that I made the right and best decision in life. Being single is about loving myself and regaining my health that once was been suffered. Being single is also regaining my Self confidence, exploring my dreams and acquiring knowledge. Being single, is the perfect time to recharge, reflect and get in touch with family and friends. Being single makes me productive, more independent and experience real Happiness. Being single means I believe in TRUE LOVE AT GOD'S PERFECT TIME.
Once God has already sent the right man into my life, Surely, I will make him read this blog and He will be proud of me... I'm so excited for it to happen.
Love always♥mhargie♥
Once God has already sent the right man into my life, Surely, I will make him read this blog and He will be proud of me... I'm so excited for it to happen.
Love always♥mhargie♥
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Someday I will look back...
As of writing this, my eyes is dancing in tears already...
Someday I will look back to this day where I chose not to settle to someone nor to anyone I don't love that no kind of riches can satisfy the void I feel inside and make my longing heart be secured. Someday I will look back to this day where I started to hope in love again and have faith that the right person will come into my life at God's perfect time. Someday I will look back to this blog where I was able to release my sentiments and recorded all important Life's reflection including personal hardship and failures that God allowed me to experience. Someday I will look back to this day where I finally declared that I am no longer a victim of earthly lust, selfish desires and yesterday's failures. Someday I will look back to this day where I realized that God allowed some things not to happen because He wants me to heal and he removed people that is not worthy in my life. Someday I will look back and Thank God for my life that I fall seven times but I stand up Eight. Someday I will look back and thank God for reminding me that I am worthy, I am his princess, stronger and better and He has beautiful plans for my life. Someday I will look back to this day where I have decided to let go all things and people who did not value me and forget the person who had forsaken me. Someday I will look back to this day where I have released forgiveness to those people who judge and wronged me.
Someday I will look back that I have decided to love God because he is everything and the ultimate source of unlimited provision and Someday I will look back to this day where I have decided to keep going to the right path where I can live free and loved....
Love always♥mhargie♥
Someday I will look back to this day where I chose not to settle to someone nor to anyone I don't love that no kind of riches can satisfy the void I feel inside and make my longing heart be secured. Someday I will look back to this day where I started to hope in love again and have faith that the right person will come into my life at God's perfect time. Someday I will look back to this blog where I was able to release my sentiments and recorded all important Life's reflection including personal hardship and failures that God allowed me to experience. Someday I will look back to this day where I finally declared that I am no longer a victim of earthly lust, selfish desires and yesterday's failures. Someday I will look back to this day where I realized that God allowed some things not to happen because He wants me to heal and he removed people that is not worthy in my life. Someday I will look back and Thank God for my life that I fall seven times but I stand up Eight. Someday I will look back and thank God for reminding me that I am worthy, I am his princess, stronger and better and He has beautiful plans for my life. Someday I will look back to this day where I have decided to let go all things and people who did not value me and forget the person who had forsaken me. Someday I will look back to this day where I have released forgiveness to those people who judge and wronged me.
Someday I will look back that I have decided to love God because he is everything and the ultimate source of unlimited provision and Someday I will look back to this day where I have decided to keep going to the right path where I can live free and loved....
Love always♥mhargie♥
Monday, January 25, 2016
So I've been thinking this lately because many people kept asking me about my love life. I'm not dating anyone since June 2015 up to this day. So here it is, I have decided to rest for a while since I had experienced three heartbreaks in just a year, Imagine that! I've got a long list of men I've dated for these past few years and I'm sick with that. For these past months I have decided to focus on my health and take time to love myself more. I realized so many important things in all areas of my life and how I achieved being peaceful mentally, emotionally and spiritually. When it comes to a guy or having a partner, I believe in God's perfect timing. I never lose faith in love despite of what I've been through. I'm not after looks of a person because for me goodness of the heart and being a God loving person is very important. I believe If a man has a good heart it will reflects outside and all good things will follow upon his life. Why I like a God loving person? because for me, he puts God first before anything else and He doesn't go to church only but He knows how to apply God's word in his life and that what makes him a Man of Integrity.
I have some suitors but I don't feel to fall in love or invest time and energy with them. I am guarding my heart because I've learned from my past mistakes. Yeah , I miss someone, the last one even though we haven't talked nor see each other for a long while yet quite sometimes I think of him, I cant avoid. But I am not wishing about him... so there.
Love always♥mhargie♥
I have some suitors but I don't feel to fall in love or invest time and energy with them. I am guarding my heart because I've learned from my past mistakes. Yeah , I miss someone, the last one even though we haven't talked nor see each other for a long while yet quite sometimes I think of him, I cant avoid. But I am not wishing about him... so there.
Love always♥mhargie♥
Sunday, January 24, 2016
I Have The Patience To Be Strong...
I have the patience to be strong through the changes in my life. When the world around me appears unsteady, it would be easy to give in to fear, but my courage rises up and helps me to be patient. At times, my life is overflowing with great abundance and blessings, but there are times when I must wait patiently. I can be patient because I am confident of what lies ahead. I am like the farmer who labors hard during the fall and enjoys the fruit of his labor in the spring. There are seasons in my life where I must simply work hard and then wait for my hard work to bring forth the results I desire.Regardless of how long it takes my hard work to pay off, I am certain that my actions are attracting fortune my way.I am positive about my future and I refuse to allow myself to grow weary.
Hope is the force that fuels my positive attitude about patience. I believe within my heart that my best days are ahead of me. Therefore, whatever unpleasant situation I may encounter is only temporary.Learning to respect life’s pace is essential to being able to enjoy life. I am content with living in the moment, taking pleasure in what I have rather than wishing for something else. I know that my hard work and patience will be rewarded in due time.
Today, I choose to be patient and maintain my composure. I exercise self-control in the midst of chaos, knowing that things get better. By focusing on what I have with a grateful and strong heart.
Love always♥mhargie♥
God, be my strength!
” He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak” (Isaiah 40:29, NIV)."
Oftentimes, when we are facing a difficulty, it’s easy to become weary in our minds and emotions. Trying to figure it all out in our own strength can be exhausting. But we weren’t meant to try to figure everything out, we were meant to trust. We were meant to call on Him and let Him be the hero of our story!
Love always♥mhargie♥
Saturday, January 23, 2016
I had become so stressed out these past few days because first I wanted to do some things but I'm not able even though I prayed for it to happen. Consequently, I had to let it go and move forward. Maybe it is not for me, maybe God doesn't want me to be there.
:-( okay.
Secondly, some people might do not understand that I care... but I don't owe anyone any explanations of my personal decisions and hardship. Lastly, so here again the battle that I've been fighting and hiding inside of me. It is like a party visiting me every week.. (im not referring to an actual party).
I've been looking and searching for a right theme for this blog because I'm not contented yet with my theme although it looks great and beautiful but I think I need a simple one so I can post easily with less customization. I need more time for a lot of changes...
Love always♥mhargie♥
:-( okay.
Secondly, some people might do not understand that I care... but I don't owe anyone any explanations of my personal decisions and hardship. Lastly, so here again the battle that I've been fighting and hiding inside of me. It is like a party visiting me every week.. (im not referring to an actual party).
I've been looking and searching for a right theme for this blog because I'm not contented yet with my theme although it looks great and beautiful but I think I need a simple one so I can post easily with less customization. I need more time for a lot of changes...
Love always♥mhargie♥
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
5 Reasons God Makes Us Wait -It's frustrating, but can be transforming...
Perhaps you know the feeling of waiting for your phone to charge?
You've run out of batteries, you've plugged the phone in and now there's nothing to do but sit and wait? And even it really only takes a matter of minutes (and even though it's nothing more than a phone), you start to feel tense and anxious, wondering how long this could possibly take.
Most people don't like to wait. We often get frustrated waiting on fast food or waiting behind the slow car in the fast lane. We are always in a rush to get to the next place or the next thing.
This mindset often carries over into our spiritual lives with us rushing to the next big thing.
But while most of us are in a hurry, it seems God is usually not in a hurry. The Scriptures say He is slow at going about things. It seems He always has a plan and a purpose for everything.
The problem with waiting is not having all the details. From our perspective, we have everything figured out and we want God to move within our time frame.
But God rarely does things according to our timeframe, and because of this we can easily get discouraged. If we aren't careful, we'll think He's uncaring or mad at us.
In the Gospels we see this happening to Mary and Martha while they are waiting on Jesus to come and heal their brother, Lazarus. When Jesus finally shows up, He is accused of taking too long.
God always has good reasons for making us wait. Waiting is a part of life and one of God's tools for developing people. The Bible is full of stories of people having to wait on God, such as Noah, Abraham, Moses, Joseph, David, Daniel, Jesus, Paul and countless others.
In studying the lives of these great people, I've discovered 5 reasons God makes us wait:
1. Waiting Reveals Our True Motives
Waiting has a way of bringing out the best and worst in people. People who don't have good motives won't wait long because they're not interested in the commitment it takes to see something through. They're too interested in short-term gains or success.
Most of us have good intentions, but a lot of what we want to accomplish is an attempt to make a name for ourselves or for our own egos. It hurts to say this, but it's often true.
2. Waiting Builds Patience In Our Lives
Patience in waiting for small things leads to having patience in the bigger things. If we can't wait for God to do a small thing, we certainly can't wait for something bigger.
Our problem is our perspective is usually wrong. We tend to think the bigger things in life are finances and possessions, while God thinks influencing and changing people is more important.
3. Waiting Builds Anticipation
Why do children get so excited around Christmas? Because the wait has produced anticipation. We tend to appreciate things the longer we have to wait for them.
A few years ago, my family and I were going through a difficult season. We had to live with my mother-in-law for a few years. During this time the Lord assured me that one day we would own a home of our own. It took a few years to see this happen, but when the day finally came, we could hardly contain ourselves.
Because of having to wait so long, we tend to cherish and take care of it more than others might. People tend to treasure the things they have to wait for.
4. Waiting Transforms Our Character
Waiting has a way of rubbing off the rough edges of our lives. Most of us know the story of Moses delivering the Israelites from the Egyptians. It's a grand story of God doing great miracles.
But few sermons talk about Moses having to wait in the desert 40 years before God came to him. God used this time of waiting to transform his character. We know this because when he was a young man he was brash and impatient. In his impetuousness he killed a man and hid the body. When his sin was made public, he ran for his life and was exiled to the desert. When he was given a second chance he opted to do it God's way and in God's time.
In the end, the Israelites were delivered from slavery and Moses became a great leader. Waiting transformed the life of Moses and it does the same for you and I.
5. Waiting Builds Intimacy and Dependency Upon God
The reason we are able to read about the great men and women of the Bible is because they all had one thing in common. They were all people who learned their success in life was directly proportionate to their intimacy and dependency upon God. For them, a relationship with God wasn't a get rich quick scheme. For many of them it was a matter of life and death.
The good news is that God never asks us to wait without Him.
The reason we get to read the stories of these great men and women is because they went through the difficulties of life with God. In the end, they enjoyed the process with God and the promise of God.
I've always believed God is just as interested in the journey as he is the destination. If not, all the biblical accounts would only include the feel good parts and not the good, the bad and the ugly of the times of waiting. We may not always understand why we have to wait, but the good news is that God never asks us to wait without Him.
5 Reasons god Makes Us Wait , It's frustrating, but can be transforming.
Love always♥mhargie♥
Monday, January 18, 2016
4 Truths That Will Turn Your Frown Upside Down by Joyce Meyer
Would you like to be in a good mood every day? You are probably thinking, Yes, of course I would. Who wouldn’t? I spent a lot of years being controlled by a variety of moods and believing I had no choice in how I felt. I envied all the “happy people.” I used to wonder, What is their secret? Why them and not me?
Then I finally learned that our mind, mouth, moods and attitudes are all intricately connected. First you think, and then your thoughts turn into words that you speak, and the two of them together affect you emotionally and turn into moods and attitudes.
For years, I paid no attention to what I was thinking, and I didn’t make the connection between my thoughts and the rest of my life. But the Lord has taught me many things from His Word about the “mind connection” since those early days, and I’m excited to share some of those truths with you.
You Can Choose How You Think
Although we don’t always have the power to change every unpleasant circumstance in our lives, we do have the power to change our outlook. Nobody enjoys a troubling or painful circumstance, but I’ve found if we look at it in a hopeful, faith-filled way, we can watch God work all things out for our good.
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
-Romans 8:28
Enjoying life begins with the thoughts you choose to think. Yes, it is that simple! No matter what is going on in your life today, if you will choose happy, hope-filled thoughts based on God’s Word, you will feel happier. Our thoughts are intricately connected to our feelings, so if we want to feel better, we need to think better.
Think of the mind like the gas tank in your automobile. Your automobile will run well, or perhaps not even run at all, depending on what kind of fuel you put into it. In the same way, when you choose your thoughts carefully, your quality of life will improve in amazing ways!
Sure, there are some people who are born with a temperament that makes it easier for them to look on the bright side of life than others, but even they have to make choices about their thoughts and attitudes toward life.
Be honest with yourself and think about what you have been mentally focusing on and how you have been feeling emotionally and even physically. I feel certain you will see a definite connection. Nothing good comes from thinking sour, critical, and negative thoughts, but something good always comes when we think according to God’s plan for our life.
You Can Change How You Think
Through His death and resurrection, Jesus offers us a new way of living; however, a new way of thinking will always precede this new way of living. Right thinking and right attitudes are roadmaps that allow us to reach our destination.
Romans 12:2 says, Do not be conformed to this world (this age), (fashioned after and adapted to its external, superficial customs). But be transformed (changed) by the (entire) renewal of your mind (by its new ideals and its new attitude), so that you may prove (for yourselves) what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God….
This Scripture is so important for us to understand! God has a good, acceptable, and perfect plan for you and me, and the way we can experience it is not to think like the world thinks, but to be changed entirely by learning to renew our mind and think the way God thinks. If you want to have what God wants you to have, learn to think like God thinks!
Ephesians 4:22-23 is one of my favorite groups of scriptures in the Bible. Verse 22 says to strip yourselves of your former nature. Then verse 24 tells us to put on the new nature (the regenerate self) created in God’s image.
How do we do that? Verse 23 gives us the key: And be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind [having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude].
So, the way to “put off” your old life and “put on” the new is to constantly renew your mind and attitude. It begins with filling our minds with God’s Word, then choosing to think and speak the positive, faith-filled things He says about our lives.
You Can Think Positive Things On Purpose
Did you know you can jump-start your day by thinking and speaking good things on purpose as one of your first acts in the morning? It’s an exercise that only takes a few minutes, but it will be valuable to you all day. I encourage you to meditate on God’s Word and speak out things like:
- This is the day God has made, and I am going to enjoy it! (Psalm 118:24)
- I can handle whatever comes my way today through Christ Who is my strength. (Philippians 4:13)
- Today, I am strong and energetic. (Isaiah 40:28-31)
- I have favor with God and man everywhere I go. (Luke 2:52)
- Everything I lay my hand to prospers and succeeds. (Deuteronomy 30:19; Joshua 1:8)
- I enjoy being a blessing to others. (1 Timothy 6:18)
- I am thankful for all that God has done for me. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)
- God is working on my problems, and I can wait patiently because His timing is perfect. (Psalm 31:15; 37:7; 46:1)
A negative mind and mouth will produce negative moods, attitudes and in all probability, a miserable day. But the positive approach of setting your mind in an uplifting direction, full of godly, faith-filled thoughts will have a good effect on you and your entire day.
Change Takes Time and Practice
Renewing our mind, mouth, moods and attitudes isn’t always easy, but it is possible with God’s help. I have personally been working toward this goal for almost 40 years, and although I have not arrived at perfection, I have made amazing progress. I have successful days, and I also have days when I feel like I’ve failed miserably, but I believe with God’s help I can keep growing.
If you desire greater emotional stability, and the ability to maintain a consistent good attitude no matter what your circumstances are, then make it a goal and don’t give up until you have reached it.
A walk begins with one step and then another and another. No matter how long your journey seems, if you take enough steps in the right direction, you will eventually arrive at your desired destination…and truly have the life you’ve always wanted.
Love always♥mhargie♥
Saturday, January 16, 2016
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things. Philippians 4:8
Be careful of your thoughts, for your thoughts become your words. Be careful of your words, for your words become your actions. Be careful of your actions, for your actions become your habits. Be careful of your habits, for your habits become your character. Be careful of your character, for your character becomes your destiny.
Our words create action. Our words can create intimacy or separation. With our words we can motivate ourselves to do things we never thought we could do, and our words can also move others to step forward into their own personal power so they can be of service to their community. Words can calm us or excite us. Words can actually change the direction of a nation. So watch what you think and be aware of the words that come from your thoughts, and the actions that follow your words.
A habit is an action we do regularly, often without thinking. It's just what we do. If we do an action and it feels good or we get the results we want, then we often repeat it over and over. Some habits are beneficial and some can be detrimental. If it's detrimental, it's usually called an addiction. If it's beneficial, it's called a good discipline. Our day is full of small little "habits" that we do unconsciously. Some of us are habitually tidy, or messy, or early, or late, or rude, or courteous, or happy, or angry. These are all habitual ways of being. So, our habits become who we are, or they become our character.
Others know us by our character. It's our stamp of individuality. It's all of our distinctive qualities. When we describe someone, we are describing the person's character. "He's a great guy!" "When I want something to be done right, I give it to her!" "When I'm around him, I watch my pockets, because he's always trying to get me to buy into a scheme" "When I think of her, a smile comes on my face and I just feel at peace." Our character comes from the thoughts and actions we do habitually through time.
The thoughts and actions we do habitually through time determines our destiny. If I think negative thoughts and if I am filled with judgments towards myself and others, my actions will follow my thoughts and I will get what I focus on. Most people will not want to be around me, because they don't like being judged and they don't like hearing me judge others. I will feel lonely and victimized, which will cycle around and around and in time my destiny will appear bleak.
However, if I think positive thoughts and take positive actions toward my goals, my destiny can be one of joyful and uplifting, with moments of gleefulness. I might fall and get a few bruises along the way, but if my habit is to get up one more time than I fall, my destiny will be one of success. People will want to be around me because of my positive thinking. They will want to know how I create so many wonderful things in my life. Because of my abundance and my generous character, I'll freely give the joy and love that percolates in my heart. Thus, by holding positive thoughts, habitually taking positive action, I create a character destined for upliftment.
Love always♥mhargie♥
Friday, January 15, 2016
Strength.. I need you.
Life will break you. Nobody can protect you from that, and living alone won’t either, for solitude will also break you with its yearning. You have to love. You have to feel. It is the reason you are here on earth. You are here to risk your heart. You are here to be swallowed up. And when it happens that you are broken, or betrayed, or left, or hurt, or death brushes near, let yourself sit by an apple tree and listen to the apples falling all around you in heaps, wasting their sweetness. Tell yourself you tasted as many as you could. Being strong isn’t just about being able to get through tragedy, its also about preparing yourself – both physically and mentally – for the tests that life will put us through. Its about developing the emotional and mental toughness that will allow us to not only get through tragedy and overcome pain ourselves – but allow us to be a beacon of strength for others and Strength is Happiness. Strength is itself victory. In weakness and cowardice there is no happiness. When you wage a struggle, you might win or you might lose. But regardless of the short-term outcome, the very fact of your continuing to struggle is proof of your victory as a human being.
Love always♥mhargie♥
Thursday, January 14, 2016
The 5 habits of a woman who won’t give up
1. She gets up each morning and follows through with her commitments despite how she feels.
Her feet are firmly positioned into the day’s tasks. While quitting may seem like an option she refuses to become someone others or God can’t count on. Her heart understands that she must be found faithful in the small steps to be trusted with the big steps.
2. She approaches the Word of God with reverence.
She opens God’s Word and believes each day He has something to speak to her about. There’s no questioning spirit when a friend texts her a Bible verse. She listens to sermons and teachings and doesn’t think of the friend who needs to hear that message, she knows there’s something there just for her
3. She longs for the grace of refinement rather than the grace of relief.
She doesn’t have a personal agenda to fulfill when she faces steps of refinement. In fact, she longs for the grace of refinement rather than the grace of relief because she trusts the process of refinement. She accepts the perspective godly people offer her in difficult situations. And she embraces the process of becoming better through her mistakes.
4. She chooses to infect the world with joy.
Though life seems to frequently dump on her, she chooses to not dump on others. In fact, she thrives on being emotionally generous towards others. The spirit of generosity that oozes through her infects joy into a seemingly miserable world. As a result, when darkness seems to gloom over her she can easily shoo it away by giving joy.
5. She has a spirit of unbreakable determination.
Though she may feel a little [or a lot] bent many days, she never lets her bending turn to a broken dream. She refuses to break her perseverance towards the things God has placed her on this earth to do. In the midst of her rejection that attempts to break her she thrives by standing firm on this verse: “Create in me a pure heart O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” –Psalm 51:10
Love always♥mhargie♥
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
I took up this because early evening yesterday I felt sudden chest discomfort again and sense of impending doom.
Love always♥mhargie♥
Sunday, January 10, 2016
I am guarding my heart.
I had my complete medical check-up before 2015 ended. My heart and mind is okay now and I'm at peace , more relax and balance now unlike these past few years. I'm doing all my best to maintain it and never forget to guard my heart always. Speaking of heart, Proverbs 4:23 says, Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. It reminded me that we are in charge of guarding our own hearts. We need to check our hearts a lot more often. Our heart's condition depends on the things we allow into our hearts. These things form in our thoughts and attitudes, and ultimately, shape the deepest part of our beings. No matter what our circumstances (the outside) are, if our hearts (the inside) is right, we're going to be okay.But if wrong things in our hearts go unattended, they will become deeply rooted and harder to deal with and worse, it can affect our health, attitude and relationship with others. The quicker we can detect a wrong heart condition and get it straightened out, the better off we are.
I have to develop self-control and take care of my emotions and thoughts and have focus. Keep my commitments, keep my word and do what I know God wants me to do. And every time I feel like doing the wrong thing, choose to do the right thing.

So here's My Prayer:
Father God, thank you for my life. Give me strength to keep going in life and never look back to my past mistakes and failures. I pray for guidance and love to guard my heart. Protect me against temptations, ego and pride that can ruin my life again. May your love help me build a wall against the earthly things and ungodly people. You are the source of my life. May I always be ever mindful of how much you love me and look over me. May I guard the love you place in my heart so I can humbly live in obedience to your will and whenever I have setbacks and disappointments please remind me the abundance of my life starts in my heart and through you and whenever also I encounter heartbreak,sadness and grief please inspire me to always come to you to soothe the ache and find your comfort not from the earthly things. I pray for protection, good health, love and blessings be upon my life and family. All these things I humbly pray in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ, My Father. Amen.
Love always♥mhargie♥
Father God, thank you for my life. Give me strength to keep going in life and never look back to my past mistakes and failures. I pray for guidance and love to guard my heart. Protect me against temptations, ego and pride that can ruin my life again. May your love help me build a wall against the earthly things and ungodly people. You are the source of my life. May I always be ever mindful of how much you love me and look over me. May I guard the love you place in my heart so I can humbly live in obedience to your will and whenever I have setbacks and disappointments please remind me the abundance of my life starts in my heart and through you and whenever also I encounter heartbreak,sadness and grief please inspire me to always come to you to soothe the ache and find your comfort not from the earthly things. I pray for protection, good health, love and blessings be upon my life and family. All these things I humbly pray in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ, My Father. Amen.
Love always♥mhargie♥
Saturday, January 9, 2016
Friday, January 8, 2016
Stories I’ll tell one day
I want moonlight. I want thunderstorms.
I want dancing.
I want late night calls.
I want love notes.
I want dates.
I want flowers.
I want fire.
I want one in a million,
a billion,
a trillion.
I want unconventional love, the kind this generation thinks is corny or overly cheesy; the risk we don’t take because we’re afraid the sacrifice and commitment may not be worth it. Well, I still seek it. I want want slow dancing and that kind of romancing.I want to see the eighth wonder of the world.
Love always♥mhargie♥
Another sleepless night..
As darkness fills the air it’s cold around me, in another sleepless night.
I lie awake in the still of the night, in another sleepless night.
All is quiet then the house squeaks and creaks like it’s haunted, in another sleepless night.
I twist and turn from side to side as the clock goes tick tock, in another sleepless night.
So I get up, as I walk around in a cold house, in another sleepless night.
I fix my pillow then I lie back down to sleep and close my eyes, in another sleepless night.
A light shining through the window, as a motorbike roars past, in the distance in another sleepless night.
So I’m up and down like a yoyo prancing the floor once again, in another sleepless night.
My mind it wanders all over the place thinking of everything that’s on my mind, in another sleepless night.
My eyes close as I drift off to sleep as the alarm clock goes off, in another sleepless night.
Love always♥mhargie♥
I lie awake in the still of the night, in another sleepless night.
All is quiet then the house squeaks and creaks like it’s haunted, in another sleepless night.
I twist and turn from side to side as the clock goes tick tock, in another sleepless night.
So I get up, as I walk around in a cold house, in another sleepless night.
I fix my pillow then I lie back down to sleep and close my eyes, in another sleepless night.
A light shining through the window, as a motorbike roars past, in the distance in another sleepless night.
So I’m up and down like a yoyo prancing the floor once again, in another sleepless night.
My mind it wanders all over the place thinking of everything that’s on my mind, in another sleepless night.
My eyes close as I drift off to sleep as the alarm clock goes off, in another sleepless night.
Love always♥mhargie♥
I should not be doing this but you've been in my subconscious dreams since these past few months. I'm not missing you (I don't know) but I have to admit that you're on my mind for quite some time throughout the day for no particular reason... I dont know?! because I do not want to give so much attention about it?! and It's been actually a long while since the last time we had talked. Maybe you were unfair to me before and you did not even give me a chance to either and most probably you were the last that's why you are still on my mind. Unfortunately, we ended up not being friends although your circle of friends is treasuring me up to this day. I'm not wishing to talk to you nor initiate any actions.
Love always♥mhargie♥
Thursday, January 7, 2016
A Young Man's Diary: What Makes a Girl Beautiful♥
I was scrolling through my blog drafts, then I saw this and I remember tumblr days 4 years ago. Probably this is to share and remind myself on how to be confidently beautiful with a heart ♥ (inspired by Ms.Universe 2015-2016 Pia Wurtzbach). Enjoy :-)
A girl is beautiful whenever she knows confidence and practices it at situations where it is needed. She is not afraid and timid. What she has to say, for her, must be heard. Audiences and groups of people never intimidate her.
A girl is beautiful whenever she reads books. She doesn’t bother about the people staring at her whenever her tears are starting to fall due to Nicholas Sparks’ novels. Instead, she pours herself into it and internalizes that true love does exist just like in novels.
A girl is beautiful if she knows that personality is what matters the most. She doesn’t splurge on Dolce or Gucci just to impress people and have a date for the night. She uses her personality in order to attract people.A girl is beautiful whenever she smiles.
A girl is beautiful whenever she appreciates simplicity over other things. She doesn’t dwell on making things complicated. She enjoys the basics.
A girl is beautiful whenever she writes letters for her special someone. She knows that a physical letter means a lot to a person who is reading it. Especially if it is a love letter.
A girl is beautiful whenever she doesn’t complain how difficult things are. She accepts the challenge and learns from it. Courage is the name of the game.
A girl is beautiful whenever she knows how to prioritize herself. She cares about herself but not too much that it overshadows others.
A girl is beautiful if she is intelligent. She can tell the difference between mass and weight as well as the difference between carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.
A girl is beautiful whenever she cares for others. She doesn’t think twice if there is someone who needs her. She just helps.
Most importantly, a girl is beautiful if she accepts herself. She is proud of who she is and how she looks no matter what other people say to her.♥
A Young Man’s Diary: What Makes a Girl Beautiful♥
Love always♥mhargie♥
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Before I go to bed now, I just want to share this bible verses that encourage and comfort me. It is one of my favorite verses eversince and It is well for my soul.
Love always♥mhargie♥
Psalm 23
A psalm of David.
1 The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
3 he refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths
for his name’s sake.
4 Even though I walk
through the darkest valley,[a]
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
3 he refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths
for his name’s sake.
4 Even though I walk
through the darkest valley,[a]
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
5 You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
6 Surely your goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
6 Surely your goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord
Love always♥mhargie♥
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