Sunday, December 1, 2013

I want someone who will. . .

STAY no matter how hard it might get..and be there when I need him the most♥

NEVER GIVE UP on me when times get tough and willing to fight for me just as hard as I’m willing to fight for him and will be afraid of losing me and NEVER LET ME GO.♥
Push me everyday to be better than I was yesterday♥

Be my BEST FRIEND as well as my LOVER and always has his eyes on me and never have a look on anyone else.

Take care of my heart when everything falls apart♥ 

Respect and trust me, be loyal and will not take advantage to me,  treat me right, notice the little things I do, cuddle with me, and appreciate everything about me♥

Not try to change me into something I’m not and love me for who I am and support me♥

Walk into my life and STAY ON PURPOSE and be something that I never had to make me realize why it never worked out with anyone else.♥

Be down for spontaneous adventures with me & those days where we can spend hours doing nothing and we can still have fun and cherish every moment with me, bring up good times rather than bad times. Be silly & make me laugh when I’ve had a bad day♥

Take a ride on the highest roller coaster with me and travel the world. We’ll go Rome, Paris, London and so much more together♥

Lay under the stars with me at night, do all the cute things couples do and try everything he could just to see me happy♥

Call me at 5 in the morning just to say “I LOVE YOU” and send me cute cheesy text messages♥

Always send me good morning and goodnight and long text messages in the middle of the night so when i wake up in the morning i’ll have a smile on my face ♥

Talk to me when he has an issue and not put it all out on twitter or facebook♥

Do stuff like this.♥

Be just as weird as I am♥

GROW OLD with me so we can be that old couple slowing down traffic around town someday :) ♥

and most of all, I want someone who will walk with God and~LOVE ME UNCONDITIONALLY♥

 love always♥mhargie♥