Sunday, December 1, 2013

I want someone who will. . .

STAY no matter how hard it might get..and be there when I need him the most♥

NEVER GIVE UP on me when times get tough and willing to fight for me just as hard as I’m willing to fight for him and will be afraid of losing me and NEVER LET ME GO.♥
Push me everyday to be better than I was yesterday♥

Be my BEST FRIEND as well as my LOVER and always has his eyes on me and never have a look on anyone else.

Take care of my heart when everything falls apart♥ 

Respect and trust me, be loyal and will not take advantage to me,  treat me right, notice the little things I do, cuddle with me, and appreciate everything about me♥

Not try to change me into something I’m not and love me for who I am and support me♥

Walk into my life and STAY ON PURPOSE and be something that I never had to make me realize why it never worked out with anyone else.♥

Be down for spontaneous adventures with me & those days where we can spend hours doing nothing and we can still have fun and cherish every moment with me, bring up good times rather than bad times. Be silly & make me laugh when I’ve had a bad day♥

Take a ride on the highest roller coaster with me and travel the world. We’ll go Rome, Paris, London and so much more together♥

Lay under the stars with me at night, do all the cute things couples do and try everything he could just to see me happy♥

Call me at 5 in the morning just to say “I LOVE YOU” and send me cute cheesy text messages♥

Always send me good morning and goodnight and long text messages in the middle of the night so when i wake up in the morning i’ll have a smile on my face ♥

Talk to me when he has an issue and not put it all out on twitter or facebook♥

Do stuff like this.♥

Be just as weird as I am♥

GROW OLD with me so we can be that old couple slowing down traffic around town someday :) ♥

and most of all, I want someone who will walk with God and~LOVE ME UNCONDITIONALLY♥

 love always♥mhargie♥

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Important things I have learned in life so far.....

  • I have learned that I am a person worth loving after all. 
  • It may seem funny, but I have learned that people you aren’t related to can take care of you ,love you and teach you to trust people again.
  •  I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation.
  • I have learned that  my friends are there to understand and support me.
  • I have learned that writing, as well as talking, can ease emotional pains.
  • I have learned that a good feeling gets even better when it’s shared. 
  • I have learned that maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you've had and what you've learned from them and less to do with how many birthdays you’ve celebrated.
  • I have learned that sometimes when I’m angry I have the right to be angry, but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel.
  • I have learned that if you depend on others to make you happy, you’ll be endlessly disappointed.
  • I have learned that it takes years to build up trust, and only seconds to destroy it.
  • I have learned that God has always been there for me . I believe he has saved me time and again… He has always been my hope and salvation,.

I am happy. I experienced it. There may be highlights and lowlights but in the end, what matters most is I Survived.
        Stay strong. Stay happy. Stay alive!

Love always♥mhargie♥

Sunday, November 17, 2013

“It happens to everyone as they grow up. You find out who you are and what you want, and then you realize that people you've known forever don't see things the way you do. So you keep the wonderful memories, but find yourself moving on.” 
― Nicholas Sparks

Love always♥mhargie♥

Saturday, November 16, 2013

God makes everything happen at the perfect time.♥

God makes everything happen at the perfect time.♥

                       Waiting is one of the most difficult things to do, whether we’re waiting for a bus, a phone call or an answered prayer.  We become impatient and wonder why everyone else is holding us up and keeping us from getting what we want.  It seems like the more we want something, the harder it is to wait – and we even get impatient with God!
                      But we have to remember that God’s timing is different than our own.  He sees things from a different perspective and sees the whole picture, not just what we want, but what is best for us in the grand plan for our lives.  All is part of a divine order and will be done in its own right and proper time.  Of course, when we are hoping, praying and waiting for something, it’s easy to forget this.  After all, waiting is “remaining inactive in one place while expecting something.”  And being inactive means feeling powerless and at the mercy of the world – nobody likes that feeling.  But we must keep in mind God’s greater plan and his perfect timing♥

Waiting is one of the most difficult things to do, whether we’re waiting for a bus, a phone call or an answered prayer.  We become impatient and wonder why everyone else is holding us up and keeping us from getting what we want.  It seems like the more we want something, the harder it is to wait – and we even get impatient with God!

But we have to remember that God’s timing is different than our own.  He sees things from a different perspective and sees the whole picture, not just what we want, but what is best for us in the grand plan for our lives.  All is part of a divine order and will be done in its own right and proper time.  Of course, when we are hoping, praying and waiting for something, it’s easy to forget this.  After all, waiting is “remaining inactive in one place while expecting something.”  And being inactive means feeling powerless and at the mercy of the world – nobody likes that feeling.  But we must keep in mind God’s greater plan and his perfect timing♥

love always♥mhargie♥

Sunday, November 3, 2013

       There is a place in each of us that wants to heal, that can heal, that will heal. It’s a peaceful place, one of nourishment, replenishment, peace, safety, comfort, and joy. it’s a place of love and acceptance. It’s a place of forgiveness, honesty, openness, nurturing, and kindness. You will recognize it instantly because of how it feels. It will bring you back to center. It will bring you back to calm. It will bring you back to joy.♥
Find a place of serenity…….

Love always♥mhargie♥

Sunday, October 27, 2013

On your road to recovery, Keep the Faith!

Sometimes, the road to recovery is a long one.
There are detours filled with disappointments and frustrations.
It is difficult to move ahead, not knowing what the future may bring. You are on that road now, and all the medicine in the world cannot reassure you.You hold life by the reins, afraid they’ll slip.Right now the pain around you limits your vision and growth. We all taking for granted. And when the hardships come, we feel that we a being tested —sometimes beyond the point of endurance.But take heart and KEEP THE FAITH. 
Know that at the end of the dark tunnel there is a LIGHT.
The answer lies within you, in the spirit with which you brave the battle.The pain  and suffering are not you, but only a part of you. Hold your head up, and keep true to the brightness within yourself. Move on and never look back,filled with hope and love for what you have endured And reach out with warm hands and an open heart to help others like you..

—Who can learn to move on, too. 

Love always♥mhargie♥

Saturday, October 26, 2013


     Nobody ever said that it would be easy, or that the skies would always be sunny. When gray days and worrisome times come along, I need to stay strong. Know everything will be okay because I believe there is always a door that leads to more serenity in life♥ I wanna warm my self with quiet determination and knowledge of brighter days ahead to find happiness that  is waiting for me. As I allow God to guide me in the pacing of my life. As I open my heart to God’s unfoldings, my heart attains peace. As I relax into God’s timing, my heart contains comfort,  finding myself in the right time and place, open and available to God’s opportunities.♥ 


      I’m thankful to those people who have lent their ears and hearts to me and to those who have cared. Today I’m giving myself whatever gifts of time and rest that i need to feel better and knowing that I have surrounded by caring thoughts, prayers, heartfelt wishes and God’s love♥ 

love always♥mhargie♥

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Dear Future Husband,

I can’t wait to fall in love with you. Maybe we have met each other already,Only God knows. I'll guard my heart every second of everyday until God allows us to meet.I’m so excited to meet you, but more than that, I’m excited to grow in Christ as He prepares my heart for you. I pray for you all the time. I hope your faith in God is strong and you’re the kind of man who covers up dirty magazines and you care about the innocence of children and helping make the world a bit less depraved.I promise to love you with my all and I hope you love God more than you love me too.

love always♥mhargie♥


Monday, May 6, 2013

The Fearless Chic ♥About me♥

~Do things with passion or not at all, wherever you go, Go with all your heart~

♥ Hi dear! Welcome to my hide away, my secret place. Just call me Mhargs♥ a blogger from southeast asia❀. I'm just a simple passionate dreamer. I can stand as sweet as a cherry , friends with many and never really alone. I have a warm spot in my heart to help others strive and trying to put others before myself. My heart is pure with love and I love rain, sunsets and smell of books♥ I am a free-spirited and passionate person. I like spending my  free time reading, blogging, scrap booking and exploring.  I do what I love♥ I'm always curious. If I don’t like something , then I will change it. If I don’t like my job , I will quit. I like to find happiness in the simplest of things. When I eat, I always appreciate every last bite. I am a very open-minded person, creative, optimistic and love new things and people. 


ღ I love GOD♥
ღ I love sunset♥
ღ I would like to write a book someday. 
ღ I can travel alone. 
ღ I love writing, reading and decorating. 
ღ I can do different hairstyles on my hair.
ღ I chew gum almost everyday if I have it.
ღ I love horror movies and reality shows.
ღ I can go anywhere I want without asking permission from my parent.
ღ I love to organize my things.
ღ I like simple, neat and clean guy.
ღ I say “alright” a LOT
ღ I am very  open-minded person.
ღ I love to do things freely.
ღ I accept compliment as a compliment itself.
ღ I love chinese food, filipino, italian and some spicy foods.
ღ One of my dreams is to go to paris♥
ღ I love to wear loose dresses.
ღ I am creative person.
ღ I sleep beside my mom.
ღ I love to wear high heel shoes.
ღ I’m naturally  right handed.
ღ I really enjoy just walking around sometimes, it gives me time to clear my head.
ღ I read newspaper everyday.
ღ I love singing in the bathroom.
ღ I don’t like calling people “sir or mam”.
ღ I can’t sleep without socks on.
ღ I love to decorate my stuff particularly my notes and journal.
ღ I have more than 10 blogs from different blog sites.
ღ I love to read magazines and inspirational books.
ღ I have extroverted personality.
ღ I cry when i am angry and any time.
ღ I sleep silently with 2-3 pillows .
ღ I am so much addicted to cake and ice cream.
ღ I love talking about relationships and human interaction.
ღ I go to mall and somewhere I’ve never been  when stressing out.
ღ I have a very good memory.
ღ I love personality tests.
ღ I take a bath 2 times a day, first in the morning and second is before I go to sleep. 
ღ Traveling is good for me=)Because it’s a way for me to unwind myself.
ღ I have so many pouches in my bag.
ღ People see me as independent and strong person.
ღ I drink a lot of water everyday.
ღ I always bring my notes, journal and at least 1 book anywhere I go.
ღ Whenever im using the Internet, I always check websites that offers true and valuable information.
ღ I like to meet new people.
ღ I can’t live without internet.
ღ I hate being Tickled.
ღ I don’t know how to swim=)
ღ I have a scar in my right feet.
ღ I have big mole on my left shoulder.
ღ I sometimes don’t follow rules.
ღ I bite my fingernails.
ღ I don’t watch asianovelas or teleserye.
ღ I hate being scared of the dark.
ღ I’m very appreciative person
ღ I love biking♥

To my visitors:

♥You may read anything I post here but I disabled the follow button and comment section because this is my personal Blog and I want everything to be neat and clean.

So what more can I say? Just Be yourself because God made you for a beautiful reason♥ and you know what's nice?! No one in this world who’s quite like you so stop over-analyzing things. There are so many beautiful reasons to be happy so go out. Be weird, Be crazy!  Learn to let go and move on with life,  It’s better not to worry about every little thing and just go about life with a bit more optimism and confidence – it makes you stronger and more independent in life and everything seems brighter! Just keep on learning, exploring and find happiness in the simplest of things because Life is too short to be wasted on crap♥

God bless you!  love always-mhargie♥

Friday, November 23, 2012

People are so quick to judge now a days. You only see a person from what they want and allow you to see. I always try to look as put together as I can and I guess that's my way of hiding from the truth. It just that's the way  everyone will assume that everything in my life is okay. That I never go through anything. If only everyone knew how broken I am, and how I'm holding on for dear life on this one last strand that's recently become very delicate.

Love always♥mhargie♥

Friday, June 29, 2012


1.       I want to be independent.
2.       I want to be content with my life
3.       I want to make the most of what I have.
4.       I want to be loved.
5.       I want to be assertive.
6.       I want to be the person who brightens your day.
7.       I want to travel the world.
8.       I want to be the best person I can be.
9.       I want to be Myself and live my life the way I want to.
10.   I want to be colorful, because that’s what I would be if I showed who I am.
11.   I want to be relaxed.
12.   I want to be the one who smiles.
13.   I want to be an adult with the soul of a kid.
14.   I want to breathe and to be myself always, not only when I am home.
15.   I want to be more self-expressed every day.
16.   I want to be part of a meaningful community.
17.   I want to be free in every sense.
18.   I want to be fearless.
19.   I want to be adventurous, daring, bold.
20.   I want to be glorious.
21.   I want to be a writer.
22.   I want to be successful at all I do.
23.   I want to be creatively intuitive in my crafts.
24.   I want to be driven to achieve greatness.
25.   I want to touch the lives of those around me.
26.   I want to give back and receive the gift of pure happiness.
27.   I want to embrace my imperfections.
28.   I want to remember everything.
29.   I want to stop being afraid of living.
30.   I want to be someone who can connect easily and deeply with others.
31.   I want to be in tune with my desires.
32.   I want to treat myself and others with fierce compassion.
33.   I want to create journals to hold people’s dreams.
34.   I want to practice moderation in all things – including moderation.I want to never stop learning.
35.   I want to be free spirited and fun loving.
36.   I want to be able to let go of my inhibitions.
37.   I want to believe in myself.
38.   I want to be powerful and strong.
39.   I want to be sexy, and actually believe it.
40.   I want to live my life, the way I want to live it.
41.   I want to be free.
42.   I want to be brave.
43.   I want to be grateful  to everyone & everything that comes my way.
44.   I want to be a writer; I want that spirit to embody me without fail.
45.   I want to be understanding, patient, intuitive and  alive.
46.   I want to be blissfully aware of my purpose in this world; I want to touch lives with it.
47.   I want to be honest. Always.
48.   I want to be unafraid of death & dying.
49.   I want to be bold.
50.   I want to be remembered.

love always♥mhargie♥

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Don't Quit ...

"When things go wrong as they sometimes will,
  When the road you're trudging seems all up hill
  When the funds are low and the debts are high
  And you want to smile, but you have to sigh
  When care is pressing you down a bit
  Rest if you must, but don't you quit
  Life is queer with it's twist and turns
  As every one of us sometimes learns
  And many a failure turns about
  When he might have won had he stuck it out
  Don't give up though the pace seems slow--
  You may succeed with another blow
  Success is failure turned inside out--
  The silver tint of the clouds of doubt
  And you never can tell how close you are
  It may be near when it seems so far
  So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit
  It's when things seem worse that you must not quit."

-Don't Quit by Edgar A. Guest

Love always♥mhargie♥

Friday, June 22, 2012

An unexpected turn..

            Sometimes we don't understand why God allows tragedies to happen. But we know that he is compassionate God who never makes mistakes. He allows things to take place within His perfect will. When life delivers an unexpected blow, God is still in control.
            Although I can't always understand why I face hardships and experience unexpected turns. But I can stand firmly on God who said " I will never leave you nor forsake you".God is in control, no matter what's happening in my life. He's there, He cares and loves. Always has, always will be and I do believe He can change unexpected turns into meaningful diversion.
                Have Faith, Be strong.
My prayer:
Lord, you know me inside and out. You know about my pain and distress,you understand the fears of my heart. 
Lord, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties.  For when I am weak, then I am strong. My heart is broken and my spirit mourns but all I know is that Your grace is sufficient. This day, this hour, moment by moment, I choose to lean on YouThank you for teaching me to always trust in You. Give me strength. Help me to keep my eyes focused on You. I trust in You, oh Lord. For you are my rock!  Help me not to worry, for You are in control. Though I am weak, You will make me strong!  I love you, Lord!  In Jesus name. Amen.♥

Don’t be afraid, for I am with you.Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God.

I will strengthen you and help you.

    I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.

Isaiah 41:10

Love always♥mhargie♥ 

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Rules to a better life♥

  • Never hate.
  • Live simply.
  • Serve.
  • Give a lot.
  • Always smile.
  • Live with God.
  • Walk with God.

Love always♥mhargie♥

Thursday, June 14, 2012

“When life is sweet, say thank you and celebrate. And when life is bitter, say thank you and grow.” 

― Shauna NiequistBittersweet: Thoughts on Change, Grace, and Learning the Hard Way

                  Love always♥mhargie♥

Monday, June 11, 2012

Date a girl who writes.


                      Date a girl who may never wear completely clean clothes, because of coffee stains and ink spills. She’ll have many problems with her closet space, and her laptop is never boring because there are so many words, so many worlds that she’s cluttered amidst the space. Tabs open filled with obscure and popular music. Interesting factoids about Catherine the Great, and the immortality of jellyfish. Laugh it off when she tells you that she forgot to clean her room, that her clothes are lost among the binders so it’ll take her longer to get ready, that her shoes hidden under the mountain of broken Bic pens and the refurbished laptop that she’s saved for ever since she was twelve. Kiss her under the lamppost, when it’s raining. Tell her your definition of love.

         Find a girl who writes. You’ll know that she has a sense of humor, a sense of empathy and kindness, and that she will dream up worlds, universes for you. She’s the one with the faintest of shadows underneath her eyelids, the one who smells of coffee and Coca-cola and jasmine green tea. You see that girl hunched over a notebook. That’s the writer. With her fingers occasionally smudged with charcoal, with ink that will travel onto your hands when you interlock your fingers with her. She will never stop, churning out adventures, of traitors and heroes. Darkness and light. Fear and love. That’s the writer. She can never resist filling a blank page with words, whatever the color of the page is.
         She’s the girl reading while waiting for her coffee and tea. She’s the quiet girl with her music turned up loud (or impossibly quiet), separating the two of you by an ocean of crescendos and decrescendos as she’s thinking of the perfect words. If you take a peek at her cup, the tea or coffee’s already cold. She’s already forgotten it.Use a pick-up line with her if she doesn’t look to busy.If she raises her head, offer to buy her another cup of coffee. Or of tea. She’ll repay you with stories. If she closes her laptop, give her your critique of Tolstoy, and your best theories of Hannibal and the Crossing. Tell her your characters, your dreams, and ask if she gotten through her first novel.

           It is hard to date a girl who writes. But be patient with her. Give her books for her birthday, pretty notebooks for Christmas and for anniversaries, moleskins and bookmarks and many, many books. Give her the gift of words, for writers are talkative people, and they are verbose in their thanks. Let her know that you’re behind her every step of the way, for the lines between fiction and reality are fluid.She’ll give you a chance.Don’t lie to her. She’ll understand the syntax behind your words. She’ll be disappointed by your lies, but a girl who writes will understand. She’ll understand that sometimes even the greatest heroes fail, and that happy ending takes time, both in fiction and reality. She’s realistic. A girl who writes isn’t impatient; she will understand your flaws. She will cherish them, because a girl who writes will understand plot. She’ll understand that endings happen for better or for worse.

        A girl who writes will not expect perfection from you. Her narratives are rich, her characters are multifaceted because of interesting flaws. She’ll understand that a good book does not have perfect characters; villains and tragic flaws are the salt of books. She’ll understand trouble, because it spices up her story. No author wants an invincible hero; the girl who writes will understand that you are only human.Be her compatriot, be her darling, her love, her dream, her world.

          If you find a girl who writes, keep her close. If you find her at two AM, typing furiously, the neon gaze of the light illuminating her furrowed forehead, place a blanket gently on her so that she does not catch a chill. Make her a pot of tea, and sit with her. You may lose her to her world for a few moments, but she will come back to you, brimming with treasure. You will believe in her every single time, the two of you illuminated only by the computer screen, but invincible in the darkness.
She is your Shahrazad. When you are afraid of the dark, she will guide you, her words turning into lanterns, turning into lights and stars and candles that will guide you through your darkest times. She’ll be the one to save you.She’ll whisk you away on a hot air balloon, and you will be smitten with her. She’s mischievous, frisky, yet she’s quiet and when she has to kill off a lovely character, when she cries, hold her and tell her that it will be alright.You will propose to her. Maybe on a boat in the ocean, maybe in a little cottage in the Appalachian Mountains. Maybe in New York City. Maybe Chicago. Baltimore. Maybe outside her publisher’s office. Because she’s radiant, wherever she goes. Maybe even outside of a cinema where the two of you kiss in the rain. She’ll say that it is overused and clichéd, but the glint in her eyes will tell you that she appreciates it all the same.You will smile hard as she talks a mile a second, and your heart will skip a beat when she holds your hand and she will write stories of your lives together. She’ll hold you close and whisper secrets into your ears. She’s lovely, remember that. She’s self made and she’s brilliant. Her names for the children might be terrible, but you’ll be okay with that. A girl who writes will tell your children fantastical stories. Because that is the best part about a girl who writes. She has imagination and she has courage, and it will be enough. She’ll save you in the oceans of her dreams, and she’ll be your catharsis and your 11:11. She’ll be your firebird and she’ll be your knight, and she’ll become your world, in the curve of her smile, in the hazel of her eye the half-dimple on her face, the words that are pouring out of her, a torrent, a wave, a crescendo - so many sensations that you will be left breathless by a girl who writes.Maybe she’s not the best at grammar, but that is okay.

         Date a girl who writes because you deserve it. She’s witty, she’s empathetic, enigmatic at times and she’s lovely. She’s got the most colorful life. She may be living in NYC or she may be living in a small cottage. Date a girl who writes because a girl who writes reads. 

         A girl who writes will understand reality. She’ll be infuriating at times, and maybe sometimes you will hate her. Sometimes she will hate you too. But a girl who writes understands human nature, and she will understand that you are weak. She will not leave on the Midnight Train the first moment that things go sour. She will understand that real life isn’t like a story, because while she works in stories, she lives in reality. Date a girl who writes. 

Because there is nothing better than a girl who writes.

Love always♥mhargie♥

Monday, June 4, 2012

The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mode but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives the passion that she shows. The beauty of a woman grows with the passing years. The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her 
heart, the place where love resides.♥

Love always♥mhargie♥

Sunday, June 3, 2012

“When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives mean the most to us, we often 
find that it is those who, instead of giving advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to 
share our pain and touch our wounds with a warm and tender hand. The friend who can be 
silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and 
bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not healing and face with us the reality of our 
powerlessness, that is a friend who cares.” 

― Henri J.M. Nouwen, The Road to Daybreak: A Spiritual Journey

Love always♥mhargie♥