Monday, May 6, 2013

The Fearless Chic ♥About me♥

~Do things with passion or not at all, wherever you go, Go with all your heart~

♥ Hi dear! Welcome to my hide away, my secret place. Just call me Mhargs♥ a blogger from southeast asia❀. I'm just a simple passionate dreamer. I can stand as sweet as a cherry , friends with many and never really alone. I have a warm spot in my heart to help others strive and trying to put others before myself. My heart is pure with love and I love rain, sunsets and smell of books♥ I am a free-spirited and passionate person. I like spending my  free time reading, blogging, scrap booking and exploring.  I do what I love♥ I'm always curious. If I don’t like something , then I will change it. If I don’t like my job , I will quit. I like to find happiness in the simplest of things. When I eat, I always appreciate every last bite. I am a very open-minded person, creative, optimistic and love new things and people. 


ღ I love GOD♥
ღ I love sunset♥
ღ I would like to write a book someday. 
ღ I can travel alone. 
ღ I love writing, reading and decorating. 
ღ I can do different hairstyles on my hair.
ღ I chew gum almost everyday if I have it.
ღ I love horror movies and reality shows.
ღ I can go anywhere I want without asking permission from my parent.
ღ I love to organize my things.
ღ I like simple, neat and clean guy.
ღ I say “alright” a LOT
ღ I am very  open-minded person.
ღ I love to do things freely.
ღ I accept compliment as a compliment itself.
ღ I love chinese food, filipino, italian and some spicy foods.
ღ One of my dreams is to go to paris♥
ღ I love to wear loose dresses.
ღ I am creative person.
ღ I sleep beside my mom.
ღ I love to wear high heel shoes.
ღ I’m naturally  right handed.
ღ I really enjoy just walking around sometimes, it gives me time to clear my head.
ღ I read newspaper everyday.
ღ I love singing in the bathroom.
ღ I don’t like calling people “sir or mam”.
ღ I can’t sleep without socks on.
ღ I love to decorate my stuff particularly my notes and journal.
ღ I have more than 10 blogs from different blog sites.
ღ I love to read magazines and inspirational books.
ღ I have extroverted personality.
ღ I cry when i am angry and any time.
ღ I sleep silently with 2-3 pillows .
ღ I am so much addicted to cake and ice cream.
ღ I love talking about relationships and human interaction.
ღ I go to mall and somewhere I’ve never been  when stressing out.
ღ I have a very good memory.
ღ I love personality tests.
ღ I take a bath 2 times a day, first in the morning and second is before I go to sleep. 
ღ Traveling is good for me=)Because it’s a way for me to unwind myself.
ღ I have so many pouches in my bag.
ღ People see me as independent and strong person.
ღ I drink a lot of water everyday.
ღ I always bring my notes, journal and at least 1 book anywhere I go.
ღ Whenever im using the Internet, I always check websites that offers true and valuable information.
ღ I like to meet new people.
ღ I can’t live without internet.
ღ I hate being Tickled.
ღ I don’t know how to swim=)
ღ I have a scar in my right feet.
ღ I have big mole on my left shoulder.
ღ I sometimes don’t follow rules.
ღ I bite my fingernails.
ღ I don’t watch asianovelas or teleserye.
ღ I hate being scared of the dark.
ღ I’m very appreciative person
ღ I love biking♥

To my visitors:

♥You may read anything I post here but I disabled the follow button and comment section because this is my personal Blog and I want everything to be neat and clean.

So what more can I say? Just Be yourself because God made you for a beautiful reason♥ and you know what's nice?! No one in this world who’s quite like you so stop over-analyzing things. There are so many beautiful reasons to be happy so go out. Be weird, Be crazy!  Learn to let go and move on with life,  It’s better not to worry about every little thing and just go about life with a bit more optimism and confidence – it makes you stronger and more independent in life and everything seems brighter! Just keep on learning, exploring and find happiness in the simplest of things because Life is too short to be wasted on crap♥

God bless you!  love always-mhargie♥