Saturday, March 22, 2014

Preserve Your Power!

Preserve Your Power! Not everybody and everything is worth your energy. Sometimes silence is best. You can't be powerful by giving your power away to every little thing that tries to block you and stop you. Remember, NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST YOU SHALL PROSPER!!! Unplug from negative people. Let them go. Turn them off. Hit delete. Press stop. Press pause. If you want to have a powerful relationship, stop feeding into negative energy. If you want to have a powerful paycheck, stop feeding into negative energy at work. If you want to have a powerful life, stop feeding into drama on Facebook. SOMEBODY needs to give you power. SOMEBODY needs to love you back. SOMEBODY needs to help you. SOMEBODY needs to support you. Sometimes that person is YOU! Love yourself enough to preserve your power for the people & situations that are worth it. If you preserve your power, you'll preserve yourself!

Love always♥mhargie♥

Thursday, January 30, 2014

 A real man can't stand seeing his woman hurt. He is careful with his decisions and actions so he never have to be responsible for her pain.

Love always♥mhargie♥


As a woman, sometimes I don't want much. I just want someone who will listen to my problems or just listen to what I want to say. Someone who will understand and not judge . Someone who will love me unconditionally, will not give up on me and will be there when I need him.

Love always♥mhargie♥

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

                                Love always♥mhargie♥

Sunday, January 19, 2014


I BELIEVE only the women who are working on themselves, forgiving the past, building their value & self worth, striving to be better, believes that love is possible and speaks HIGHLY of relationships and happiness... Exudes and works on their confidence & self love... Those who are uneasily moved and rattled and can handle difficult situations yet remain powerful... Those who know how to be graceful, humble, coachable, lovable, understanding, but won't settle for B.S... Those who are authentically sexy, secure in who they are, always learning, makes mistakes but finds the lesson, hard working, patient and loyal, spiritually plugged in and WISE enough to see the God & strength in a worthy MAN... Those women will be the VALUABLE WIVES to the rare WORTHY MEN that are left. Those who choose to believe & behave differently will spend the rest of their lives alone... Or with someone that isn't worthy of having ANY of this. 

S.C. Sykes

Love always♥mhargie♥